I didn't realize it has been more than a month since I last posted! The time has gone by so quickly! It is hard to believe that summer is over although I am not really complaining because autumn is my favourite season. I am so hoping we have a nice long one this year but have been hearing that our winter is going to be longer and colder with more snow this year. Ah well, we have a nice warm home. Hopefully winter goes as quickly as summer did!
There have been some fairly big changes in my life and routine since I last posted. I have started seeing a doctor who is going to help me feel well again as I have been having a number of health issues. She seems to think that if we can get my body healthy again I may even be able to get pregnant and carry to term! Even if that doesn't happen though it will be wonderful to have energy again and just feel alive and ready to welcome a baby into our home, however that may happen. It's going to take some self-discipline, persistence and patience but I am determined to follow through with everything and take care of myself. Which brings me to the other news which is that I gave my notice at work yesterday. I will be done there on October 7th. Not an easy decision for me to make but one that I feel needed to be made. One of the things that I need as I get better is less stress and I also need more rest. It's hard to get those when I am working and then on my days off going to see this doctor. I have not been able to handle stress lately at all and I just really feel like I need to do what needs to be done, even if it means making tough decisions. My Chad gave me his blessing and is only worried about me being bored. :) I assured him I won't be as I already have projects swirling around in my head that I am going to do this year.
We were number 20 on the waiting list last time I checked and our profile had been out 3 times. I was told that now that we have crested 20 our profile should be seeing alot more action. Still waiting for that phone to ring...
My Gramma is in the hospital right now after having broken her wrist and hip. It is pretty much touch and go as she takes one step forward and two steps back. We are concerned about pneumonia setting in as she already has emphysema and of course isn't mobile at all right now. We know she was disappointed when she woke up after surgery and was still here on earth. She is so tired and so longs to be home. It is tough because of course we want what is best for her, even though we aren't sure what that is, and know that saying goodbye will be one of the hardest things we've ever had to do. It is hard to see her suffer and not be able to do anything about it. My parents have been with her every day since she went in the hospital almost 2 weeks ago. We know that God is control and knows what He's doing but in can be tough when you so wish there was something you could do.
Youth starts up again tomorrow night. We are going to have a FULL house tomorrow! We have so many kids now that we are actually starting up a second home group which is exciting! Tomorrow night though everyone will be here for our first youth of the year. It will be different this year as new leaders are added and we try to work independently and yet still together. It will be interesting to see what God has in store.
And so another fall season begins and changes come and we wait and see what God is going to do and how He is going to use us and what will be required of us. This year is going to hold much change and I am so thankful that we serve a God who never changes but is the same yesterday and today and forever.