Thursday, October 25, 2012


Yesterday we received a call that there is a delay in our adoption finalization. We were to the point where the first filing in court was done, then all the paperwork was sent back. We had our criminal record checks done in March/April of this year as it was our two year mark of being on the waiting list and they needed to be renewed but apparently the courts want us to do them again as it has been 6 months. We have had Emma for more than 4 of those months so you would think that they would know that we haven't exactly been robbing banks or harming childern or anything! I was pretty frustrated but know that we just need to keep jumping through hoops and see it through to the end. The other thing is that we are not sure if the records office is receiving applications this week as the office is moving and will in fact be closed next week. The way it is looking everything may not be finalized now until December! I must say though how thankful I was that our social worker wasn't calling to say that someone was fighting to take Emma back! Delays I can handle.
Other than that life is going along at a fast pace. We have been really busy, too busy. We are seeing things through until the break over the December holidays and then are going to reevaluate everything we are involved in and which ones to step down from. I can see the negative effects of our busyness on Emma some days and really don't like that. Plus Chad and I have both been feeling run down. I am looking forward to going into hibernation with my little girl this winter and soaking in all her milestones and "first times" and just enjoying the beautiful little person she is.
Smiles, trying to roll over, getting ready to start on solid foods, favourite position is standing, trying to giggle, playing with her toys, intentionally just wanting to cuddle and so much more...all the things we are enjoying with our little sweetpea right now. It's fun!
Here are some recent photos for those of you who aren't on Facebook...