Saturday, April 28, 2012

Adoption Update

We met with our social worker Sheila yesterday and we were so glad we did! I could have just sent in our paperwork and done an interview update over the phone but we met with her in person instead. It was so good to actually sit and be able to talk with her and ask her questions, but one of the things I appreciated most was that instead of asking how we were doing she told us how we are doing! What a change! She described it exactly, she understood and she was just so encouraging about it all. We have only moved up one spot since last time so we are now at number 12. The good thing is that she said with where we are on the list now pretty much every time there is a caucasian baby in need of a home our profile will be going out. That was encouraging to hear. She also said that updating/redoing our profile was "good luck". I guess we will see about that but it did feel good to redo it and give her brand new ones.

When she did the "instant placement" last week the birthmom she was working with initially got in touch with her on the Tuesday to say that she was due soon and needed to make some decisions so wanted to meet with Sheila. Then on Thursday she called Sheila to say that she had gone into labour and really needed to make a decision. So Sheila drove up there that day to show her some profiles. The birthmom chose a couple right away, Sheila called them at 4:30, they were at the hospital by 9:30, the baby was born at 11:30 and the adoptive parents took her home the next day. That's how quickly and out of the blue it can happen! We were so happy for the adoptive parents especially when we heard they had been number 1 on the waiting list for a while. Just knowing they were number 1 made us realize just how long they must have been waiting and we were so happy for them. Sheila did take our profile to show this birthmom, as well as some other profiles, and once the girl had made her decision Sheila asked for feedback on all of the profiles. It is something she typically does. The girl told Sheila that there was nothing wrong with any of the profiles but the one she chose had an extended family almost identical to her own and that was what had stood out to her.

Sheila did encourage us alot and just kept saying that it will happen and how much easier it will be for us in some ways because I am already at home and so there won't be as big of an adjustment when a baby comes as there is for some couples who both work. I am sure she makes all waiting couples feel this way but we left feeling like she is pulling for us and she will be so thrilled when it all works out. 

It was definitely a much needed visit for me. I needed to have that contact with an actual person instead of just emails. I needed to hear all the things she had to say and to realize that while we wait there is so much going on that we don't see or hear about. I left feeling encouraged and strengthened and excited and even more hopeful. Ever since I was a young girl I have wanted to adopt and yesterday that longing was allowed to show itself again and it just reminded me how much I do long to adopt and how it just feels like it is something we are supposed to do. Not something we are "settling for" because we haven't been able to have a baby but something that we were meant to do. Something that God ordained a long time ago and feeling that way just reinforces that I know and believe that His way and timing are perfect. The adoptive parents that I mentioned above told Sheila that all of the years of waiting just melted away when they held their new little girl and they knew immediately that she had always been meant for them. I know it will be the same for us.

A friend of mine is expecting her first baby really any time now. She has been praying her heart out for us and has been determined that we will have a baby before she does. She is still holding to that and has told me to brace myself as their baby will be here soon. Whether or not that actually happens it is just so good to know that we have people like her who are supporting us and praying for us. 

I am feeling a little better about it all right now. There is a little more excitement and I am starting to feel like maybe we should start looking at doing up a nursery and buying supplies. I won't rush into all that but I will keep my eyes open and just keep trusting and hoping.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Quick Update

I was hoping to have an update on our adoption for you today. We were supposed to be meeting with a lady from the agency just to update our profile and give her some more money and find out our status. I received a call this morning that went like this..."Hi Julie, this is Lauren from Adoption By Choice. I know you were supposed to be meeting with Sheila today but (and at this point my heart stopped) she isn't able to make it today as she is facilitating a placement and won't make it back in time." I so thought she was going to tell me that we didn't need to meet as we had been matched! Such a jumble of emotions I went through in those few seconds! So we are now going to try and meet with Sheila next week and after that I should have an update for you.
I realized something this morning when I got that call though. I realized just how desperately I want and long for this to happen and how much I stuff it all inside because if I don't it will rule my life and emotions. I have found in the last week or so that every time the phone rings I am almost holding my breath until I know who is calling. Very strange as I haven't been like that in the last two years but it has just started lately. It might be because we were going to be meeting with Sheila, I don't know. I do know though that even in our meeting today being cancelled God has a plan and He is using every little thing that happens to put that plan into place.
Today is Chad's birthday and I have baked him a rich chocolatey cake and have ribs on for dinner. Going to celebrate and keep trusting and hoping!