Our vacation has come and gone :( It was so incredibly good to get away and it was the most relaxing vacation Chad and I have ever taken. Usually when we travel we do lots of walking and hiking and sightseeing and we see lots but we are so tired. This time we did lots of nothing and it was wonderful. With Emma still needing afternoon naps we would go out in the mornings but then head back to the condo and just relax for the afternoon and there were even days that we just stayed at the condo. The weather was beautiful. There were some cloudy/rainy days but the other days were perfect temperature wise and the sun was shining. Kauai is so lush and green. It was so nice to spend time with my parents and good for Emma to have some quality time with them (need to plan something with her other grandparents now!) and she loved swimming and the ocean and birds and going for walks and seeing lots of chickens and a gecko and flying on "hairplanes" as she calls them. She did so well with her first time flying and really with the whole trip. It was so fun to show her the ocean and just to see her reactions to all of the new and different things she hasn't seen before.
We definitely are so glad that we went and it was really hard to come home. It would have been so good to stay longer! We came home at the right time though as it has finally warmed up here and is starting to feel like spring. Of course we could still get a big spring snowstorm but I think the worst of the cold is behind us and we can now look forward to spring and warmer weather!
On the adoption front - I checked in for an update before we left on our vacation and was told that we were 56th on the list with 5 couples on hold ahead of us so if they come off the list we are actually number 51. We have moved up so much since we first went on the list but we still have a long ways to go before our profile is shown more often. I have been feeling a little impatient lately, partly because I know so many people who are either expecting or who have recently added to their family, and am hoping that with the nicer weather and being busy with playing outside and just spending time with Emma that the time will go quickly.
Here are some photos from our vacation...