I emailed this morning for our monthly update and was told that we are #34 on the list with 8 on hold ahead of us. Our profile has been shown twice this year. Once in January and once in March. I am hoping that maybe by June we will be in the 20s. That would increase the chances of our profile going out more often.
I am ready for baby number 2. If you had asked me a few months ago I would have said absolutely not but I am feeling ready now and so of course now it really feels like the time is dragging. I am starting to get so that every time the phone rings I am hoping it is the good news. So many around me are having babies too so that increases the longing. I also watch as Emma nears her 3rd birthday in June and see how much further away we are getting from anything baby and how big the transition will be to start all over again. I will have one amazing little helper though!
In the not too distant future my own birthday is looming. Little ones are exhausting and I am not getting any younger! How different it would be if I was 15 years younger than I am! I find that I don't really fit in very many places that I go. So often when we attend events for Emma it is me and a bunch of much younger moms and if I am in a group of women my own age most of them have kids that are grown and on their own. But this I know, God's timing always has been and always will be best and I wouldn't change anything in the work He has done.
I have such a beautiful little family...which will hopefully grow by one more soon!