Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Moving Up

It has been a long time since I posted! I had an update from the agency yesterday so thought I would pass the update on for those of you who may be wondering how things are going.

We are currently #51 on the list with 7 couples ahead of us on hold (either because they have been matched or because they have found out they are pregnant and are waiting to be sure the pregnancy is viable) one of which is in their 10 day waiting time. So if all of those couples come off the list we very quickly are bumped up into the 40s which would be great! It seems as though we have been moving up the list in leaps and bounds and the agency has done many adoptions this year already. That in itself is encouraging and I am choosing to dwell on that rather than the fact that we aren't even at the same spot on the list that we were at when we first went on it for Emma. God's timing is perfect!

I find myself more and more these days longing to hold my baby and at times feel a little impatient. I am so thankful for our Emma who fills my days and my heart and who is just so full of joy and so expressive and loving. She likes to pat me on the back at the most spontaneous of times like when I am standing next to the grocery cart while she is sitting in it. She will just start patting me with a smile on her face and I give her a hug and it is just the most precious little moment that we have. I have started telling her a little more often that she is adopted and how beautiful adoption is and how she is such a special gift to Mommy and Daddy and how God chose her just for us. We don't want it to be a big surprise to her one day and want it to just be a fact, a beautiful fact.

We started sign language classes a couple of weeks ago and are having fun with it! They are classes for parents who want to teach their children how to sign. We have been doing sign with Emma since she was very young and she already knows so very many signs and she picks up on them so quickly now! We just need more training ourselves so we can teach her. It will be wonderful for those times when we need to communicate across a crowded room or across a playground or just when we want to sign. I have always loved sign language and thought it was such a fascinating language. Apparently it is amazing for brain development in children as well.

I think winter might finally be over and I have to say I am so deeply thankful for that! It was a really long cold winter and we were all getting cabin fever and just needing to be outside. I am looking forward to eating meals outside on the deck and going for walks and green grass and flowers and starting a veggie garden for the first time and going to the zoo and having picnics and watching Emma discover her world even more. She stopped to watch a little bug yesterday and it is just too cute to watch her bend way over and just stand there watching and wondering. I keep reminding myself in those moments to not rush her but to just let her discover and enjoy. It's going to be a great summer!

Here are some photos of life with Emma...

Daddy and Emma have a Saturday morning tradition of oatmeal, cuddles and cartoons :)

We finally made a play area for Emma. It's not very big but has toys and crafts and books and music and she loves playing up there.

She loves to "help" me bake

So happy to be able to play outside! Yesterday I was blowing bubbles for her as she walked around with her hands out saying "catch them!". I am pretty sure the majority of our days this summer will be spent outside and I am looking forward to that!

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