Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Growing up!

My little helper is growing up. Where she used to follow me around everywhere and have to do everything Mommy did now she gets bored with it and goes and plays with her toys. This is a fairly new thing for her and I will admit that I am appreciating it as it is easier and faster to get things done. It feels like she just all of a sudden grew up in the last few weeks and went from being a baby to being a kid. She is so much fun and has us laughing all the time at what she says and does and the things she comes up with. I love watching her independence grow and her confidence bloom. She is still an introvert and very quiet in groups but oh she is funny! She talks all day from the time she gets up to the time she goes to bed. People who only see her once in a while don't believe us and are always surprised once she is comfortable around them and starts talking. It's fun having conversations with her and I am amazed every day at how quickly her vocabulary is growing. I do miss her being my little shadow all day long and love it when she comes running up to me to grab me around the leg just cause and to hear her say "hug" as she does it. She does it at the most spontaneous and random moments and I love it.

I have been talking to her quite a bit about her being adopted. I have made it into kind of a story that I tell her. She now tells me that she is adopted (even though she doesn't yet understand what that means) and that it is a "bootiful fing" which is what I tell her every time. I was telling her the other night how much I love her and that Jesus gave her to me and she looked at me and said "adopted". Her little brain never stops working and thinking and trying to figure things out. It's going to make homeschooling her interesting for sure!

Today while I was doing housework she kept herself busy in her playroom playing with some toys. Again, something fairly new as she usually would only play with her toys if we were playing with her or she would just get bored with them quickly. Her imagination is taking off now though and it's fun to watch her and listen to her when she doesn't know you are there. She decided to get her craft stuff out today while I was going up and down the stairs trying to get the house clean. I found her with her safety scissors, a glue stick and a magazine. So I got a piece of paper for her and she did her first craft all by herself. :)

I will be keeping this piece of artwork for sure!

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