Well, she has been in her big girl bed for a while now and is doing great in it and her two year molars are all in so it was time. Chad is away this week so I thought it would a good time in case there were some sleepless nights ahead. Just like when I took away her bottles I started preparing her a while before it actually happened. Explained why it was going away and when. I also prayed with and for her every night that she would have the strength, determination and courage that she needed.
Monday morning she got up and we went right to the garbage can. She had told me numerous times that she wanted to throw her soother away herself so I let her. The look on her face when she threw it away and then closed the door was one full of uncertainty and insecurity. I jumped in right away and told her how proud I was of her and how brave and strong she was and gave her a hug and kiss. Then I gave her a cuddle blankie that I made with pieces from the bumper pads from her crib. She loves the softness of the squares and uses them to help her go to sleep.
Then it was on with our day. We had music class that morning so I encouraged her to tell Miss Debbie her teacher what she had done and Debbie was great about encouraging her in it. She also called her Gramma when we got home. I wanted her to tell people because she is the type of little girl who needs reinforcing by people she loves and it just fills her heart right up. We went to Toys R Us that day as well to buy her a special stuffy and she picked out a giraffe. She loves giraffes.
I will admit that I shed a few tears over it all. My baby is gone and in her place is a beautiful little girl with a maturity and understanding beyond her age who loves deeply and has such a determined and strong spirit. The time is going by much too quickly. As I watch her I can't help but think of the coming years and wondering what they might hold for her and when and how that determination and strength will be called upon. I pray that when those times come I have done my job to prepare her and teach her Who strength comes from and Who will carry her through.
I am so proud of my little girl and so love watching who she is becoming.
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