Friday, January 15, 2010

Plans for a Hope and a Future

Today we embark on an exciting albeit daunting adventure! We are taking the first step in the adoption process. This evening and tomorrow we will be in a seminar that is mandatory in the adoption process. I am looking forward to it but also know that it will make our situation very real. We have been told that so far we are slotted in the 10% of unexplained infertility. In all honesty that can be frustrating! In some ways if there was a solid reason why we aren't able to conceive it would make the adoption process even more exciting but with knowing that we could still conceive at any time it makes me feel a little torn. Part of me wanting to just keep waiting and trying, part of me wanting to adopt, part of me (after being around really loud terrorizing children) not wanting kids at all! Of course you all know that in my heart of hearts I want to be a mommy but man there are times...

We agreed when we first started trying to conceive that if it didn't happen we would adopt. Never a question or hesitation on either of our parts. We have seen how perfect God's timing and plan was in bringing us together and we believe His timing and plan in expanding our family are perfect as well. And so we continue to hope and to trust that He really does know the plans He has for us and that those plans do include a hope and a future.

Your prayers are coveted as we begin this journey. I will be updating everyone once in a while as we take the different steps needed but I won't be dwelling on the topic as life has to go on and while we wait we pray and trust and live and laugh and love and HOPE!

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."


Shannon said...

Wow, Julie, that is really big news! Do you know yet what kind of adoption you'll be trying for? (as in, caucasian/inter-racial/international?) Well be praying for you - and remembering that God can open the womb if He so chooses. :) Lots of love to you!

Pondering Girl said...

Yep, big news alright! We are doing a domestic adoption within Alberta. The wait is typically 18-24 months but there are many instances when it is much less than that so we will see what God does!