And so here you have it, ChickaDee's Song.
Have you ever really listened to a chickadee? Ever really taken the time to appreciate these happy little birds? They are my favourite bird and I was thinking about it one day, pondering, why are they my favourite? They aren't anything remarkable to look at, they don't have the most beautiful song of all the birds. Then I realized that I like them so much because while they are small and can appear to be fragile, they are strong little birds. They stick it out through all of the seasons, the heat of summer and the cold of winter. They are in the background and even though you don't always see them you can hear them, and they always sound happy, cheerful, as if life is sweet no matter the weather, the temperatures, the season you may be in! Oh to walk through the quiet of a snowy forest and hear their call....chickadeedeedee...and know that you are not alone.
They are an example to me of living life with a song in my heart, no matter the weather or circumstances or hormones! And so as I share my heart and life and adventures it is my hope that through it all you will see a common thread.....that even though life can bring hardship and trial, stress and tears, it can also bring laughter and love and joy and peace and that through it all we can have a song and share that song, so that others can hear our call when they are in the forest and know that they are not alone. A favourite song of my Mom's
You can have a song in your heart in the night
After every mile, after every trial
Anyone can sing when the sun is shining bright
But you need a song in your heart at night
Listen for the song of the chickadee....
HI, Julie! I was just thinking about you yesterday and wondering how you were doing. I look forward to reading about your goings-on!
thanks for sharing Julie-I am looking forward to the stories and lifetimes you will share!
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