Saturday, April 10, 2010


Not much is new and exciting with us but I thought I would ramble on for a little while anyways.

I have been busy. Just with life really. My parents were in Hawaii for 3 weeks (lucky them!) and so a couple of times a week I was driving out to their place to check on it and get the mail. Plus with them gone I also was going to see my Gramma a little more often and calling her to make sure she was okay. Of course I was working my usual shifts as well and going to church and small group and just doing all of my usual daily chores. So yeah, nothing exciting but at least I have been busy!

I think spring cleaning is going to begin for me next week. I really need to write a list of what I need to do and when I am going to do it. Always feels so good to check things off of a list like that! If I don't have a list and make a plan I will either do way too much in one day and be exhausted and sore or I will keep putting it off. Can't do that though cause it has to be done!

Nothing new on the adoption front although we did get a call from one of the social workers at the head office. She just wanted to let us know that she had taken a look at our profile and she thought it was excellent. She said it hadn't been shown yet but that didn't surprise me because they had only had it for a week! I am trying to think of it as if I am pregnant and there will be no baby for 9 months. That way if it happens earlier it will be a joyful surprise. Of course if it takes longer I will have to come up with a new plan so that I don't get all stressed out!

Yeah, not much to say but thought I should post something anyways.

Chad is on his way home from his sisters place which means I need to get supper going soon. What are we having? Salt and pepper chicken wings and veggie sticks. Yum!

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