Monday, March 15, 2010

Strict Regime

Today is the first day of a strict regime of supplements and diet and lots of exercise thrown in to help expedite things. Chad and I went to a fantastic naturopath on Friday. When I had called a month or so ago they said we couldn't get in until August but they would also put us on their waiting list although the likelihood of getting two back to back cancellations so we could go at the same time was slim to none. Last Wednesday I got a call from their office saying they'd had two cancellations for Friday morning and did we want them? Did we?! SO very thankful we got in. Chad actually wasn't too bad but there are definitely things that need to be taken care of. Me on the other hand, well, not so good, and if I'd had to wait until August I have no idea how sick I may have been. Nothing life threatening by any means but just lots in my blood that shouldn't be there and that is just making me feel ill as well as a liver that is stressed. So now we are both taking special supplements and really having to clamp down on what we eat. A very strict diet. It's not going to be easy but I know we will both feel so much better! For me I will probably feel worse before I feel better so this week could be interesting. I am willing to go through it though! We will be seeing the naturopath again in August and I am already excited to see the improvements!

On the adoption front.....our social worker is supposed to be coming over tonight to have us sign off on the last draft of our homestudy! Then it is sent to the agency where the director has to sign off on it and then we need to get our profile done. So close!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Julie - I read this lady's blog all the time, and though she doesn't talk about it much, she is an adoption lawyer who adopted a child many years ago. She's very knowledgeable on all things adoption, so when she endorsed this book, I thought right away of you.

Changing subjects - what kind of foods are you having to eat now to get your body back on track?