Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Call #1 Finally Came!

Yesterday we received one of the phone calls that we have been waiting for. It was a call from a social worker to set up a time for our first home visit! It is the first of 2 or 3 visits and will be about 2 hours long. We set up a time for this coming Monday at 6:30pm. Not having been through this before we aren't completely sure what to expect but we have been told that you basically have no privacy left by the end of it all. Oh joy! It is amazing what you have to go through in order to become a parent through adoption. I sometimes think that other people who have babies should have to go through the same thing! It sure makes you think and discuss issues that most people don't before they start a family.

We have been told to not worry about cleaning our house from top to bottom. Those of you who know me will know that is a difficult thing for me as normally I would spend all day Monday cleaning! We were told that social workers would rather not see that the house has been cleaned from top to bottom just because they are coming over because then it isn't a true representation of what the house usually looks like. So I think on Saturday or Sunday I will do just my usual housework and then maybe Monday afternoon I will go wander around a bookstore for a while or something to get my mind off it all.

Your prayers in all of this will be so appreciated! I know it will go well but knowing there are many praying for us will help so much! It is exciting because it is a huge step in getting us closer to being on the waiting list. 


Shannon said...

When I saw that you had updated, the title of your post totally made my stomach jump! I thought you were talking about THE call...but I am so not informed about the hoops you have to leap through to become an adoptive parent, I didn't realize that you'll have a number of calls before you get THE call. Anyway, I am excited for you and can hardly wait to see who God sends you! Are you requesting a boy or a girl or just going with whichever comes your way? I ask because another lady whose blog I've been reading for a few years just announced that they've done all the preliminary work to adopt and are now "in the pool, waiting" for a girl specifically, and she is busy sewing up all kinds of baby blankets and dresses and has her nursery all done already. So, I just wondered what you are doing regarding that.'ll help with getting the baby gifts together. :)

Vonnie said...

Good news Julie, but seriously, it wouldn't hurt to have a couple of those oatmeal cookies smellin up the place,and that is not unrealistic because when you have have cookies...everything will go well no matter what you could you and Chad make a poor impression...I can't imagine...sending love vibes your way...Auntie von

Pondering Girl said...

It would be wonderful if it was THE call! We are in no way prepared as far as having anything baby but that is besides the point. :) We don't have a preference as to whether it is a boy or girl. We will be happy for whatever baby God sends our way. As long as it is perfect of course! No, we will just be happy with a healthy baby. There are definitely many hoops to jump through, lots of papers to fill out, phone calls to wait for. A learning process and adventure for sure!