Tuesday, March 9, 2010


First of all I must thank all of you who have been thinking of us and praying for us. I am a little overwhelmed by all the support so THANK YOU!

Our first visit with the social worker went so well! She is really nice. We were worried that she might not like dogs but she is a dog-lover, worried she might not have a sense of humor but she certainly does, worried that we just might not get along but we all did. Why do we worry?! Okay, I will admit that I am more the worrier than Chad is. I also tend to internalize all my worries and stress which isn't a good thing. Anyways, back to the visit. She was here for about an hour and a half and we just had an open and honest conversation with her and answered her questions. We had heard stories of how invasive the first visit can be and how no stone is left unturned and we were a little nervous about the unknown but it really was just fine. There were no questions that we were uncomfortable about answering, we didn't feel like we were being judged, none of that. So thank you for praying! We still need to see her a couple of more times but the tough visit is over.

Getting closer.....

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