Thursday, May 27, 2010

Waiting List Update

Yesterday marked 2 months of being on the active waiting list with the adoption agency. I got in touch with them just to see if there has been any movement on our profile at all. One of the ladies there emailed me back and let me know that we have moved from #49 to #42. Our profile hasn't been shown at all yet and they have one birthmom right now who hasn't seen any profiles as of yet. It is encouraging that we have moved up the list, discouraging that our profile hasn't been out yet, but we know it all takes time and that God's timing is perfect in it all. I will wait another couple of months and check in with them again. 

How thankful I am that it is summer and we will be busy enjoying the beautiful weather and going to the lake and working in the yard. I think it will be a little easier to wait than it would be if we were stuck inside all winter with not much to do besides thinking of the fact that we are waiting. It is so different than waiting for your baby to come when you are pregnant because at least then you have a deadline to look towards and plan for and get excited about. With adopting there is no deadline, no idea how long the wait will be. Yes we can plan and start getting things ready but we don't want to do too much and then just have everything sitting there waiting. So we will take it a little bit at a time and hope and pray that the time goes quickly!

1 comment:

Vonnie said...

Well, little chick, the way I see it is that you are just 42 steps away from the big moment, if your average keeps up 42divided by an average of 6 just leaves you short of 9 months tops...I have just spoken to your mom, that special child will be in your arms, I had a dream and it was so funny, you had "children" were tired and happy and your hair was in like a pony tail....supper was late...and it was ok....Love Auntie Vonnie