Monday, January 13, 2020

But It's Good For You!

Lemon water first thing in the morning. Or apple cider vinegar.
Hemp hearts. Magnesium. Kelp. Spinach. B12. Ashwagandha and other adaptogens.

Recognize this list? They are all things that are touted as being good for you and it is impressed upon us time and again that we must be doing them. As if every body is the same and so each person should be doing the same thing. Now, I am not saying that they aren't good or that they don't work because for some people they are amazing and have many health benefits. For me personally though all of those things I listed I have tried and have had a bad experience with. And I don't mean just a typical 'detox' or 'cleanse'. All of those things affect me negatively in some way. Whether it is my digestion or heart palpitations or feeling as if my body is being poisoned because I just get so sick. It frustrated me for years. I couldn't understand why all of these healthy things were making me sick.

Then I did the 23andMe test. I was curious about my heritage of course even though I was quite certain as to what it would come back as and none of it was a surprise. Lots of Irish, British, Scandinavian and some Metis. What I was most curious about was my genetics. So I took the raw data from the results of the test and plugged it into some websites that read it and gave me a reading of my genes and any variations I may have. That was when I discovered why some of these things don't work for me. For instance, one of my genetic variances is an MTHFR gene which in a nutshell means that my liver does not detox properly. What does that mean? Well, all of the toxins our bodies accumulate over time are detoxed and gotten rid of through our liver. The genetic variance I have means that my liver really struggles to do that. So look at those first two things I listed. The lemon water and apple cider vinegar. They are meant to detox our bodies. What happens when I take them? My liver gets overtaxed and all of the toxins it is trying to eliminate basically get backed up and make me really sick. So now I know why I can't do those things! I love answers!

I haven't figured everything else out on my list yet. I do know that my digestive acid is too low which is why I think spinach and kelp (and really all leafy greens) do a number on my stomach. They are not easy to digest in the first place so when your stomach acid is low it just makes it that much harder.

The B12 is a tricky one. I do know why I can't take it but it is hard to explain so I am not even going to try. It all has to do with my body methylating and the struggles it has with that which goes back to the MTHFR. I need to get it somehow because I am deficient in it and so I have been trying different things. The ashwagandha and other adaptogens I also don't quite get except that my body is super sensitive and so I have to be careful. The magnesium is a mystery to everyone. I have been to so many different naturopaths over the years and no one has been able to figure out why I can't take magnesium without getting sick. One blood test I had did show that my magnesium was at a normal level which was surprising because almost every health article I have ever read on magnesium says that "everyone" is deficient in magnesium. Apparently not. Maybe because my magnesium showed as normal on the good test I was just getting too much when I did take it. Also, neither of my parents can take magnesium so obviously there is something there.

On the flip side the one thing I have to take more of than most people is vitamin D. Everyone (including health practitioners) is surprised when I tell them how much I have to take to feel well. Again, the genetic results...I have a variance that means my body is not able to produce vitamin D the way it is supposed so I have to take large amounts of it year round and especially in the winter. I have had two different health practitioners confirm that after reading through my results and been told to keep taking large doses. I definitely feel better when I do. If I don't keep up with it in the winter I definitely deal with SAD in a major way.

Why do I share all of this with you? Well, perhaps you have tried these or other supposedly "must dos" when it comes to your health only to become discouraged because your body reacts negatively. Or perhaps you have started to figure things out but don't know where to turn now. Or maybe you have been wondering if doing a genetic test would be beneficial. Really, I just want to encourage you to listen to your body. To take the time to pay attention to what the things you are putting into your body are doing to you. To how you feel when you take them. Whether good or bad. To not do these things just because they are the latest fad or finding but to do what is right for you. I have learned the hard way to really pay attention and to do what I need to do or not do in order to feel well.

I'm not going to tell you what to do or take or even what my personal regime is. I am in no way shape or form a health practitioner and so it isn't my place to do so.  I will tell you that I deal with adrenal fatigue, hypothyroid, Hashimotos (although my antibodies are really low so it certainly isn't fullblown), imbalanced hormones and gallbladder issues (no gallstones), but because I have learned to listen to my body I have learned and am learning what I need to do and take and the way most of my days need to go so that I am feeling my best. I am much healthier now than I was a couple of years ago. Much healthier. I am so thankful and so don't want to fall back so will continue to do what I need to do. I am so thankful I did the genetic testing and while I could have used the results as excuses to not live my best life instead I have used the results to become healthier and not have excuses. It was such a relief to have answers!

If you would like to know more about my journey with these issues feel free to comment or send me a message. I don't mind sharing with you and maybe some part of my journey can help you. I may blog about it as time goes on but I don't want to lead anyone astray thinking that if they do the same as I do they will feel better. It is all so individual.

A sidenote: Did you know that citrus leaches chemicals from plastic? So if you are one of those people who does benefit from drinking lemon water perhaps don't put the water and lemon in a plastic water bottle. If you do you will be negating the whole point of drinking lemon water in the first place and then dealing with other things because of ingesting those leached chemicals.

Here are 2 photos that were taken a year apart. You can see how much my health has improved! In the photo on the left I was the heaviest I have ever been, I felt puffy and unwell. A year later I had lost almost 20lbs, did not feel puffy, had more energy and I was sleeping better. Sleep has been a huge struggle for me for years but I am now sleeping so much better!

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