Wednesday, February 3, 2010

He Will Do What Is Right

"Faith is not the belief that God will do what you want. It is the belief that God will do what is right." 
— Max Lucado (He Still Moves Stones)

I think you will quickly catch on as you read through my blogs that I am a huge fan of quotes. Sometimes people say things, whether in print or in a sermon or discussion or on a movie, that just grab my attention and in some ways speaks what my heart is thinking but that I am not quite sure how to express. The above quote is one of those. (Max Lucado is an excellent author by the way!)

I know there are people who are surprised with how well Chad and I are handling the infertility/adoption journey that we are on. Of course most people don't see the days and moments of struggling and tears because we are fairly private people and don't really share lots. Not for any specific reason although I think the fact that we are both middle children who have that need to fix things for other people and care for them has something to do with it. We are the fixers and don't like to bother other people with our struggles. It hasn't all been hard though and that is because we so firmly believe that the Lord knows what He is doing and that in the end our story will be one of God's faithfulness and love and perfect timing. I have been thinking lately how when I was younger all my friends were getting married and I felt left behind and forgotten by God. Now all those friends have started families and once again I am left behind. The difference this time though is that I have my Chad story to fall back on. God's perfect timing in bringing us together, how perfect we are for each other, how we are both so thankful for all God has done and how we wouldn't change a thing. What a wonderful way to count my blessings and to be reminded that God DOES care and even though He may not answer when and where and how we want Him to when He does answer the timing, the setting, the baby, the situation, everything will be perfect for where we are in our lives and for what He wants to do. We know there could be tough decisions ahead and weeks or months or even years of waiting but God has proven Himself time and time again to be faithful and so we wait with expectant anticipation for this next chapter in our lives to unfold, knowing that God is the author and finisher and that because He is writing the story and painting the picture every word, every color, every brushstroke, will bring glory to Him.

So when you are feeling downtrodden, questioning if God cares or if He has forgotten, remember that while He may not do what you want, He will do what is right, and in that there is security and confidence and peace and laughter and joy. 

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