Sunday, January 17, 2010

Life's Healing Choices

We are starting a new series at church this morning called "Life's Healing Choices: Freedom from Your Hurts, Hang-ups and Habits". It is a study taking us through the beatitudes and we are also going to be studying it in our small groups. 

When I first heard what it was going to be about I had these thoughts going through my head that I was so glad we are doing it because So-and-So could sure use a study like this, and Such-and-Such would get so much out of it, and I sure wish You-Know-Who was able to come and hear it. Because of course I don't have any hurts that I thought were forgotten that might rear their ugly heads, no hang-ups that might make some situations irksome, no bad habits that have me in their clutches. Of course not.

I think I should probably take some kleenexes with me though. You know, in case So-and-So needs one.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's great Julie. i know someone who could benifit from that class too.